Special Report: Top Anti-Aging Scientists Reveal How A Single Topical Compound Can Reverse Wrinkles & Boost A Youthful Skin Glow

  Want Wrinkle Free Skin?

This Rare Deep Ocean Nutrient Boosts Skin Appearance & RESTORES Your Youthful Look In Just Days...

On This Page, I am REVEALING breaking research into a POWERFUL DEEP OCEAN NUTRIENT that your skin SECRETLY craves. This is a DIRECT PATH to much better-looking skin...

Learn In The Next Five Minutes...

  •  How to Immediately Reverse This Major Cause of Aging
  •  How to Instantly Nourish Your Skin, Bringing Out a More Youthful Look
  •  How to Give Your Skin The One Nutrient it is Truly Craving

If you want to look younger, I really want you to read this... 

My name is John Collins and I am the Chief Medical Researcher for Defy Labs™.

"Ageless skin" may be attainable, and it is much easier than you think. 

In fact, we can ALL achieve "Hollywood" ageless skin, even if we are not on a Hollywood budget.
It all comes down to one rare and powerful substance that your skin craves.

In fact, one that will allow your skin to spring back the life.

Heck, you can even feel it working.

Don't worry this is not some high-priced cream. 

This entire page is all about a US-sourced, liquid "rub-on" deep sea mineral that can bring the fight to the appearance of aging.

Ready? Let's jump into it...

Before You Read a Second More, I Need You to Recall A Moment In Your Life...

Your Last Trip to the Beach

Think about your last beach vacation.

Remember it, relive it.

I know you had fun and loved moments with your family.

Question, How Did Your Skin Look & Feel Last Time You Were At The Beach?

I bet it was BETTER THAN EVER, right?

Blemishes less noticeable, healthier complexion, healthy glow...

Have you EVER wondered why?

Many just attribute it to the happiness of a vacation or the extra sun. 

But science is saying there is more. 

... And I have better news!
You can replicate this look even if you live thousands of miles from the ocean.

From what I am revealing on this page. 

It All Comes Down to a SINGLE Mineral That Our Skin Craves And NEEDS to Look Its Best. 

One That Could Make All of The Difference...

I am not talking about some EXPENSIVE and elaborate skin program.

I mean a single mineral that can make a world of difference.

Hear me on this... You are not stuck with old-looking skin... 

This is something that you can fix RIGHT AWAY and begin looking better than ever. 

But, if you don't, you may STAY looking older and older. 

And If You’re Over 70 Years Old Right Now, You Are Getting To The Point Of No Return, This Could Be A Way To Turn The Tide. 

Here is the scary part. 

You can’t feel this issue or really even see it.

Mainstream medicine won't even tell you about this simple fix, they would rather sell you expensive skin meds or HIGH-END creams. 

But if you’re frustrated by the way you look and how you awake to more and more lines and wrinkles.

... And if nothing seems to help your appearance.
Don't give up.. 

Don't let defeat set in when you may feel like “looking old” is the only reality. 

You need to know about this skin deficiency right away, so you can reverse it.

You need to QUICKLY get your skin what it needs so you can look your best.  

Now, to be clear, aging is entirely normal.

But there is a way to quickly and easily to slow skin deterioration.

You Will Realize This Could Be Your Key To a Much More Youthful Appearance...

This is not hype.

This was shown in REAL skin research.

Average men and women began looking years younger by bolstering their skin appearance.

… And it all came down to one simple daily change that only took less than 17 seconds. 

Best of all, it is something you can FEEL working, as it cleanses and hydrates your skin. 

By Giving Their Skin What It Craved, It Quickly Snapped By To Life, Revealing A Younger Look.

Very quickly, they appeared younger and younger, prompting others to ask questions. 

The changes were dramatic.

Some looked years if not decades younger in a matter of days.  

As you’ll soon see, this simple secret could be the secret to eternally young-looking skin.

I’m Talking About FINALLY Having Younger
Looking Skin...

And Feeling More Confident Than Ever

And helping to ensure that it is healthy for years to come. 

Imagine waking up next Saturday morning… feeling like normal

It seems like any other morning…

Except you’ve just started using this new solution for nourishing your skin.

A solution that is easier than even washing your face. 
You walk into your bathroom and look into the mirror and something is different.

The person looking back at you is you, but something changed.

You find yourself looking closer.

And that is when the reality sets in, you actually look younger. 

“It must be working!” You think.

And, suddenly, you realize that your life may have just changed for the better. 

Progress is being made quickly and confidence is coming back.

Youth is being restored.

Your skin is healthier… MUCH healthier.

As You Go In Public, People Notice… All They Can Say Is “You Look A Bit Different”.

At first, they may think it's a new haircut or maybe that you got some sun.

But soon, they will realize the change is not temporary.

In fact, day by day YOUR CHANGE will be more profound. 

“This is incredible”, you think.

You Could Feel Better, Look Younger and Be In Full Control Over The Way You Age...

And you immediately want to show off...

Maybe you go out on the town or get dressed up for the first time in a while. 
You want people to see how healthy and great you look. 

And you know they’ll be so impressed by your change.

Because you look so much better, healthier & younger

All of the sudden, you gain confidence elsewhere in life. 
You want to eat better.

You want to start exercising again and drop a few pounds.

You want to have sex more. 

You see, one major will prompt others.

This Simple Change Will Be Your Catalyst To Look And Feel Younger Than You Thought Possible. 

And each new day brings new adventures and opportunities, thanks to your improved skin appearance. 

That sounds pretty great, doesn’t it? 

But maybe you’re thinking…

It also sounds too good to be true…

Especially the part about looking MUCH younger…

I get it, but everything I’ve told you today is true and based on scientific fact. 

These skin improvements come directly from medical research (that i reveal below)

Everything I’ve Claimed is Based on Very Recent Scientific Data...

In Fact, New Studies Keep Pouring In

In fact, you’ll see the details in a moment.

But, I admit, when I first saw the research, I was shocked…

How has this been missed for so long?

In the world of high-dollar “age” advancements, this was a “no brainer” staring us in the face.

Science showed us that our skin has been STARVING for years, getting worse and worse by the day.
… And we were doing all of the wrong things.

However, researchers have caught that error, and simply FIXING it has profound effects. 

Let me explain.
Since this is actually linked to a deficiency, I have great news.

Reversing it has stunning effects. 

… And That Is Why I Am Confident In The Research I Am Presenting. Deficiency Issues Are The Easiest Things To Fix As You Simply Need “More” Of Something.

Plus, when something as complicated as your body getting what it needs, incredible things start to happen. 

Yes, this page could be your answer to a younger looking you.

But Your Skin is Not Supposed to Age This
Quickly At All...

You Should Look Much Younger

In fact, it has been designed to be resilient. 

Think about it, many generations ago essentially lived in the elements, our skin was made to be tough, to endure hours and hours of sun and exposure.

So, why is it so fragile now?

Why are we STILL looking old, when we live a much more civilized life? 
You might be surprised to learn that our skin is NOW actually at more risk.

Then you’ll also understand what we have been neglecting for years and the consequences it has brought on.

In The Past, Mainstream "Age" Medicine Has Spent Years Trying To Figure Out Pills And Procedures To Preserve Youth BUT Look Around, We Are All Looking Older

… I think you will agree that we ALL look older than we should. 

For a long time, this was hopeless, even I didn’t think there was a great solution. 

But new science has now shown the simple reason on "why" we are aging so quickly.

We have missed a STARTLING skin deficiency, for decades on end. 

Until right now, let's get into it...

Science Has Discovered An “Age Melting” Mineral that Will Totally Revitalize Your Skin Appearance.

For Many, It is the Key To Looking Years Younger

So, what is this skin secret?


Your skin needs higher levels of magnesium to LOOK and FEEL healthier. 

This Is WHY Your Skin Looks So Great At The Beach, The Seawater, And Even The AIR Contain High Levels Of Magnesium.

You are being nourished every second as you vacation by the ocean. 

Then you go home and it all goes away. 

Research has even identified a certain kind of magnesium.

I will get into this more below.
Here is a hint, it is the ONLY type found in ocean water, very rare. 

This mineral is very unique and and the concentration allows it to absorb through the skin.

This is currently the most preferred form for “skin level” topical absorption. 

Clearly, magnesium has been associated with many health benefits, several of which I have written about previously. 
Getting magnesium through consumption is old news.

However, topical applications are NOW considered a breakthrough. 

… And its effects on SKIN are now emerging as VERY POWERFUL.

In Fact, It Is Set To REPLACE The Likes Of Korean Red Ginseng As One Of The Most Powerful Skin Ingredients Available In The World.

… And HERE is what that means for you and your aging skin.  

In 2018, it was reported that this special form of topical magnesium had the ability to break apart fats and oils, aiding in oily skin, essentially is the ultimate cleanser.  

Experts said that it worked like a natural exfoliant. 

Then in 2019, it was called the “super nutrient” for spotless skin by Elle magazine.

Then, just this past year, a top doctor dubbed our nations “top diet and nutrition expert” said it was...

 The Best “Wrinkle Fighting” Nutrient She Had Ever Studied

She Watched It Wipe Away Age

Applied topically it can reduce the appearance of skin inflammation, fighting blemishes, even as you age.

Plus it helps to keep the skin soft and moisturized. 

As you get older, you fight skin dryness as your skin has trouble holding onto moisture; dry skin appears as old skin.

Think about it, older people have been described as old and “crusty”... the “crusty” comment comes from dry skin.  

Studies Have Found That This Rare Ocean Mineral Keeps Your Skin Moister And Allows It To Healthily Absorb And Maintain A Good Water Level, Regardless Of Your Age.

More importantly, it helps regulate your skin moisture content as too moist is not good either. 

Remember, magnesium plays a huge role in overall hydration as well, so this function is not surprising. 

This pure form of magnesium gives you a DIRECT PATH to healthy and supple skin, even if you have started a “skin decline”.

But, here is the GOOD NEWS.

Once applied, it goes to work quickly.

And Skin Improvements Were Seen In Just Seconds... With Major Effects in Minutes...

Plus, You Can Feel It Working

Reading the testing was eye-opening.

It is like the skin was literally dying of thirst, from not having this nutrient.

Once it rubbed on the skin, the results were quick as the appearance sprung back to life. 

To me, this was the most shocking part, how fast things improved. 

When this form of topical magnesium is introduced to the skin, it has an immediate impact.
Much like you have a glow from the first day at the beach and in the water, 

Results were seen almost immediately

Within seconds this special form of magnesium was soaked into the thirsty skin cells which responded with a healthy glow. 

The hypothesis was true...

All Along, Your Skin has Been CRAVING This Simple Key Nutrient To Look Its Best...

This One Change Makes All Of The Difference

We have been looking in the wrong places for years.

This is such a simple fix, yet it is more powerful than anything we have uncovered. 

As It Turns Out, Science Has Figured Out That Your Skin Has Been Yelling At You, Screaming At You To Get It What It Needs, A Very Special Form Of Magnesium. 

You see, none of us have enough.

Most of us are very deficient in general, so your skin is CRAVING it.
It actually wants to look moisturized and more youthful, but you are neglecting it without the first idea of what to do.

But, here is the reality, when you follow the science, the answer is there. 
When you recognize what it needs, HUGE dividends await.

Your skin will quickly use this SINGLE NUTRIENT to revolutionize your look.

Sucking up every drop, directly into your pores and deploying it to the very facial tissues that are dying of thirst.

Just like the FIRST drop of water, after hours of days without anything… 

The FIRST drop of this powerful mineral will feel profound as your skin is FINALLY able to function at its best.

Meaning, your skin appearance will NO LONGER suffer and will NO LONGER be constrained by your biological age.

You have JUST found a safe and natural way to THROW THE HALT on “father time”.

Awesome news, right?

All you have to do is run out and buy magnesium, right?


Our research hit a road block.

Here Was The Huge Issue

Most Forms Of Magnesium Do Not Absorb Into The Skin

In fact, most forms of magnesium are useless when it comes to skin health.

Yes! This is a big problem

... And it is oh so frustrating. 

I'm Sure We Can Both Agree...

Everything You Have JUST Read About Magnesium's Ability To Nourish And "De-Age" Your Skin Is Simply Amazing, Right?

However, above, I briefly mentioned on a big problem. 

ONE huge looming issue that keeps magnesium from transforming the way your skin looks.

Only a very specific (and rare) form of magnesium penetrates deep enough to give you the anti-aging benefits you need.

... And THAT FORM Used In All Of The Clinical Trials Above Is Pharmaceutical Grade Liquid Magnesium, Not Generally Available To The Public.

This synthesized version is exclusively used in hospitals, anti-aging clinics and doctors offices

So, that became my mission.

I began a "deep dive" research into a natural form of magnesium that could absorb and provide these incredible skin benefits. 

... The same form only contained in ocean water. 

In fact, I knew the form naturally found in the ocean would work, but pure ocean water has WAY too much salt (which is not great for the skin long term).

After months of my own research, I contacted one of the top formulation scientists in the world.

A scientist who had already created and patented several powerful "pharm grade" natural formulas.

... And one our lab had worked with previously.

My Team And I Began Working With One Of The Top Medical Scientists In The World

One That Specialized In Anti-Aging

If you know of Defy Labs™ or GDR Labs™, then you know who I am about to reference.

Yes, I am discussing medical scientist Clint Winters, a world wide authority on natural product formulation and anti-aging.

Even if you don't know of him directly, you have likely used one of this technologies. 

His Proprietary Extraction Processes Are Used To Make Millions Of Supplements And Skin Care Products Annually.

Plus, he is the scientifc mind behind the Conolidine pain reliever, the fastest growing natural pain reliever in the world.

So, Mr. Winters is no stranger to innovation.

... And he was more than willing to assist in our endeavor.

I then learned something I did not know about his background.

He Has EXTENSIVE Experience Studying The Internal And External Effects Of Ionic Liquid Magnesium.

He also understood magnesium delivery and the best forms for human absorption.

His research was game changing.

For months he handed research over to my team at Defy regarding as very specific type of magnesium, ionic magnesium-chloride.

... And not JUST any type of magnesium-chloride.

Powerful Magnesium That Was ONLY Found In Natural Salt Water Or Ocean Water.

This is "clinical grade" liquid minerals that you can access naturally outside of a high end "aging" clinic. 

This Is Stuff You Can't Find In Stores.

Plus, he knew all about the natural removal of salt.

Over the next few months he trained my research staff on exactly what to look for and how to access this potent compound.

That was the break we needed.

Just a few months later, we had a working sample in our lab.

In our hands we had a PURE mineral based liquid that could virtually wipe away age.

Now, I will tell you more about development.

But first, I want you to close your eyes ...

Imagine If You Could Just Wash Your Wrinkles Away Using One Simple Solution...

Revealing A Younger Looking You

Yes! your skin can look younger with ease, cool right?

This should bring you hope. 

Sure, you have seen many HIGH PRICED mineral based skin ingredients - I'm sure you have tried some.

... And not much actually works.

But now we know why.
We always assumed that any form of magnesium was enough

But we were way off…

We know now, only certain kinds can actually penetrate the skin as needed.

In fact, your skin is MOST LIKELY starving of this deficiency daily, getting older and more degraded. 

After Months Our Team Created The Most Potent Transdermal (Topical) Magnesium In The World

And it is about to change the way your skin looks for life.

Point blank, you have been magnesium deficient for years. 

... And we now have the science to break the cycle. 

Plus, the benefits are truly profound. 

This simple compound can do SO MUCH for your aging skin.

As you will read...

This is Like 4 in 1 Punch for Optimized Skin Appearance

… And this could be YOUR key to looking younger than ever before.

Think about it.

As soon as this INCREDIBLE substance touches your skin it is doing four immediate things.
  • It Helps Your Skin Maintain Moisture, Bolstering Younger Looking Skin
  • It Fights The Appearance Of Redness
  • It Fights The Appearance of Wrinkles
  • ​... And It Deep Cleans Leaving Your Skin With A Healthy Glow
Wrinkle causing bacteria are "dead cells walking".

Can you imagine all of those processes happening at the same time?  

Imagine what that would do for your skin.

Imagine how you could look and feel. 

Talk about “turning back” the hands of time.

We could not wait to get into private testing.

We Began Testing This Mineral Facial Solution With Thousands of Our Customers...

The Results Were Simply Incredible...

Our customers were adamant. 

Every person we spoke to, wanted to look younger.

Heck, that is why Defy Labs™ was formed. 

Skin health can be daunting and most of us do not know how to look our youngest.

With that known,  this SIMPLE solution was tested widely.

People From All Over The Country Wanted To Use Something That Worked, Allowing Them To Look Younger In Days.

... And the results did not disappoint.

The application of this potent liquid mineral formula worked exactly as planned.

In fact, many could "FEEL" it working, as it worked to deep clean the skin.

The results were near miraculous, and that is what we need to see as a lab team.

Here are just a few of the results...
I was one of the Ocean Mist test users. Honestly, I never gave a crap about my skin as a man but THIS stuff has changed my mind. I can feel it working daily and my skin feels so much cleaner. I believe I am looking younger as well.

Patrick Jackson

 Verified User

I have been very skeptical of so many skin products. Most don't work at all. Ocean Mist is something different. I could tell a difference from day one. From the first application my skin looked healthier. NOW, I actually feel healthier. This stuff is the real deal, I would never return it.

Krystyna Augusta

 Verified User

WOW !!! I'm 80 and FEELING YOUNGER AGAIN. After rubbing on Ocean Mist my skin looks younger than it has in years. My wife is shocked!! Never would have thought it possible !!THANK YOU JOHN and team at Defy Labs

Eddie Manfried

 Verified User

I started using Ocean Mist and it worked so well that I am officially hooked. I won't miss a day. Overall, I am very, very satisfied with the results. My "youthful" skin seems to be coming back. It truly does look "brighter". So much packed into this spray bottle!

David Ira

 Verified User

i have been using Defy labs since they opened. Ocean Mist has been a game changer for my skin routine. My skin is looking younger even at 89😜. I swear I'm feeling physical benefits as well.

Susan Aline

 Verified User

You will feel Ocean Mist within seconds of using. I can feel my skin looking younger. Results seem to be getting better and better.

Steven Jackson

 Verified User

Exceptional skin product. Maybe the best I have ever used.

Kristy Savage

 Verified User

Then For 12 Months It Was Sold & Tested In High End "Anti-Aging" Clinics

With Simply Incredible Results

As you are probably aware, the anti-aging industry is exploding.

Economic experts believe the industry will be worth over 600 billion annually by 2025.

... And high end "Anti-Aging" clinics are popping up all over the country.

These Clinics Specialize In "Doctor Administered" Aging Treatments And Charge Customers Thousands Per Month.

  • Hormone Therapies
  • Cosmetic Surgeries
  • "In-Clinic" Skin Treatments
  • ​Botox
The list goes on and on...

So, my team and I saw a huge opportunity.
We provided these clinics with a "clinical grade" liquid magnesium skin therapy, that could be administered from home.

It gave us an extended way to test effectiveness and these clinics made more money by selling "at home" solutions in between treatments.

It turned into a true WIN WIN.

... And the results were staggering.

Our Innovative Form Of Facial Magnesium Proved Wildly Effective Inside Of These Clinics

Soon, a majority of the customers were asking for and using this daily treatment.

The results spoke volumes.

... And that was all of the clinical proof we needed.

We saw tremendous results in our own private testing and then again in testing with high end private clinics.

As a team, we began that process to roll this out across the world.

... And in a few minutes you will gain access.

But first, I need to briefly touch on ALL of the elements of this incredible, magnesium based, facial toner.

This is really and truly "in clinic" technology, from your home (at a fraction of the price).

Ok, here we go...

Here Is How We Produced The Most Potent Facial Toner in History...

Made With Pure Ionic Magnesium

You just read all of the research. 

This simple solution is helping Americans across the country look and feel years younger. 

Now, I want to reveal the secrets behind this potent liquid mineral complex. 

I want to show you our exact development process, which no one else in the world does.

This is why we stand behind the effectiveness of our skin based minerals.
It all comes down to proprietary access to the purest ionic minerals in the world.

Let’s start here...

We Sourced The Purest Ionic Magnesium In The World For Maximum Skin Absorption.

Defy Labs™ is a Proud American Brand...

This is all based on nearly a decade of research from scientist Clint Winters.

Let's face it, cheap magnesium can be found anywhere.

In any store… or all over the internet.

We certainly did not want cheap, we wanted the PUREST and highest absorbing minerals in the world.

… This is the only way we would have the greatest impact on skin health.

After significant research, we found an incredible source.

The Great Salt Lake.
The Great Salt Lake is a remnant of the ice age and has been collecting and concentrating minerals for tens of thousands of years...making these minerals some of the most potent in the world!

In fact, scientists from one of the largest marine institutes in the world were comparing deep-sea environments with inland saltwater environments to draw comparison charts.

The Great Salt Lake had identical conditions for mineral composition as very deep ocean minerals. 
These minerals are said to be the purest in the world. 

How could that be?

They found something simply astounding...

In a twist of scientific fate, the Great Salt Lake ended up losing its “outflow” when our landmasses shifted. 

This means, fresh salt river water flows into the lake, but it can never leave.

Enter nature's mineral concentration process.

These elements took tens of thousands of years of weathering and erosion in the rocks and drainage basins of the Great Salt Lake.

So, it just compressed and intensified. 

In time, the mineral content became just as potent as seawater or even greater. 

From Our Research, The Great Salt Lake Contains The Purest Ionic Minerals In The World, Including High Levels Of Magnesium.

First, the magnesium found in the Great Salt Lake is magnesium-chloride, which is exactly what we needed.  

Plus, it is naturally ionic, which means it has a much higher rate of absorption. 

In fact, It has been documented that ionic magnesium-chloride has an absorption rate of nearly 90%.

While some “grocery store” pills and liquids have tested as low as 2%

Plus, This Liquid Is A Full Spectrum Mineral Complex, Containing 72 Supporting Ionic Trace Minerals, Not Just Magnesium.

However, this did not fix the salt issue.

... And that is where the next discovery comes into play.

These Potent Minerals Are THEN Sunlight Concentrated For Maximum Purity And Potency...

Yes! Sunlight concentrated. 

This process is as natural as it sounds.

Once the minerals are excavated, they are allowed to sit in the sun, where excess water (and salt) evaporates, leaving the concentrated mineral solution.

Excess Salt Burns Off, Providing A Very Low Salt Content, Enhancing Absorption. 

Some estimate this simple process enhances purity and absorption by as much as 33%

We gained direct excavation rights.

Once that process is complete, it is barreled in 55-gallon drums and shipped to Defy Labs™

That is it, no other process. 

However, my team didn't stop there.

We paired these liquid minerals with other POWERFUL skin based ingredients.

Ones that FURTHER ENHANCE the anti-aging benefits. 

Here Are The Enhanced, Skin Boosting Ingredients We Added

Organic Aloe Leaf Juice: Moisturizes and soothes your aging skin while providing powerful antioxidant benefits allowing you to look years younger. 
Organic Kelp Extract: Powerful skin antioxidant that also gives you protection from sun related skin damage and aging.
Organic Blue Green Algae Extract: Powerful antioxidant that is known to boost skin radiance, giving you a gorgeous glow.
Organic White Willow Bark Extract: Eases wrinkles and fights excess skin oil buildup. Also a natural pain reliever which is perfect for any type of bodily pain.
Tea Tree Leaf Oil: Promotes skin healing which is an amazing way to fight the aging process and ensure your skin is repairing itself at its optimal capacity. 

The Net Result...

 The Most Potent Mineral Based Facial Toner In The World

I am very, very proud of this finished product. 

I truly believe we accomplished our goal.

We located the purest ionic minerals in the world and turned them into a powerful facial toner.

And now, we can deliver them directly to you.

The finished product is incredibly pure and potent.
It appears CRYSTAL CLEAR and ready to be applied.

Best of all, it rubs on nicely and absorbs quickly, exactly as it has been designed. 

Nothing is added to the purity of these extracted minerals, absolutely zero synthetics.

I'm not aware of ANYTHING that is THIS pure, it is even concentrated by the sun. 

So, let’s recap this process.

We researched and sourced the purest ionic trace minerals we could find, ensuring high levels of skin-nourishing magnesium. 

Every drop is sourced from the Great Salt Lake, right here in the United States.
This powerful blend is WAY more than just magnesium, featuring 72 ionic trace minerals. 

Every batch is sunlight concentrated before being shipped to our US facility.

We then combine these minerals with some of the most powerful facial ingredients known to man.
Every bottle is hand filled, by our dedicated production team (more on that just below). 

This allows for the purest facial product humanly possible. 

That Is It, Just Safe, Natural, And Powerful Ionic Minerals For The Ultimate In Skin Health.

... Manufactured in a very powerful way. 

No fillers.

No synthetics.

No chemicals you can’t pronounce.

And no preservatives

This very formula is the finished product.

…. This is the exact formulation I used to help thousands and thousands of people look and feel years younger.

And, you are NOW you will have direct access. 

Out team calls it Ocean Mist™

A True American Innovation, Every Bottle Of Ocean Mist™ Is 100% American Made

This exclusive formula is produced in Beverly Hills, California, inside our award winning Defy Labs™ production laboratory KNOWN for state of the art skin care technologies.

Then, each bottle of Ocean Mist™ is hand-crafted by our dedicated Defy Labs™ technicians, right in Atlanta, GA

We only produce our own products so we can focus on top notch quality. 
All employees are hired directly and trained to the highest possible standard. 

This is a huge investment in quality that many companies never make.

This is why our product quality is better than anyone on the planet.

We only believe in creating formulas in the most natural and pure state possible, regardless of cost.

That is why every bottle of Ocean Mist™ is hand crafted in small batches at the time of order. 
This is why Ocean Mist™ is so consistently effective. 

This type of freshness is NOT available anywhere else.

Defy Labs™ Bottles Ocean Mist™ At The Time Of Your Order. Ensuring World Class Freshness And Product Performance.

We utilize On Demand Manufacturing. 

Yes! We only bottle Ocean Mist™ in real-time as orders are received.

This means your Ocean Mist™ is made just FOR YOU when your order is placed. 

After being produced it is then shipped DIRECTLY to your door.

There is no middle man and it doesn't sit around in a foreign warehouse gathering dust and declining in quality. 

No other facial toner can FULLY guarantee this type of freshness and quality.

This type of innovative process is why Defy Labs™ is regarded as one of the most innovative skin care companies in the world. 

... And you are about to access Ocean Mist™ before the rest of the world.

Now Ready For Global Distribution...

Ocean Mist™, The Most Potent Anti-AgingFacial Toner Ever Developed For only $29

  • Contains Potent Levels of Sea Based Minerals
  • Highly Absorbable Topical Delivery
  • ​100% American Made, On-Demand
  • ​Can Be Rubbed On In Seconds, Absorbs Quickly
  • ​ZERO Additional Chemicals

Ocean Mist™ Glides On Easily and Goes To Work Fighting Wrinkles in Just Seconds

You Can Feel It Working Almost Immediately...

  • Only Takes Seconds To Rub On Daily
  • Enhanced Skin Absorption for Faster Results
  • Enjoyable Cooling Sensation
  • ​Feel It Working and Cleaning On Contact
Using Ocean Mist™ only takes seconds per day.

Research and technology are one thing, but the ease of use is crucial.

We know it needs to be EASY if you are going to use it daily.

… And that is why we designed Ocean Mist™ to be so easy to use and very fast-acting. 

First, it looks and feels refreshing, almost like applying rejuvenating ocean water to your face.
From the first application (which only takes seconds) you will be hooked.

We suggest using it after every shower when your pores are nice and open.

All you have to do is spray a small amount in your hands and spread it evenly over your face.

… And we know this, once it hits your skin, you will love the way it feels.
Yes! With a slight tingle you can actually FEEL it working as it deep cleans your skin.

From the initial smell to how it feels, you are going to love using it on a daily basis.

But, here is the great news!

All you need to commit is seconds per day, that is it.

That is all you need for the best-looking skin of your life

However, now I need to address the elephant in the room, PRICING.

How much does something of "clinical effectiveness" cost in the open market.

Well, let's jump in....

Within Months, Defy Labs™ Ocean Mist™ Will Be Sold Inside High End Anti-Aging Clinics For $120 Per Bottle

... And that is $80 less that during it's pilot program.
Remember the "in-clinic" test we referenced before, the going price was $200 for a 30 day supply and our small network of clinics could not keep it on the shelves.

Plus, users felt like it was worth every penny.

Within days their skin looked & felt brighter and cleaner... YOUNGER.
All from giving their skin EXACTLY what it needed.

However, at scale, we decided to make it a bit more affordable.

Beginning In 2024, Ocean Mist™ Will Be Available For $120 Per 30 Day Bottle At Some Of The Top Anti-Aging Clinics In The World

But Keep Reading Below For Your Price

... And we expect them to sell out daily.

Heck, $120 is far less than some of the "luxury brand" facial toners sold today.

None of which have the scientific backing of Ocean Mist™

Here is a quick look at Amazon...
Yes! some go for nearly $400 and they fly off the shelves.

$150 or more is totally standard.

... Making $120 a total bargain when you figure the science and exclusivity behind this incredible formula.

Now, here is the biggest shocker...

If this same "mineral based" application was applied "in-clinic" you would pay over $1,000 for the EXACT same treatment.

Seriously - take a look at these numbers...

Ocean Mist™ Is 1/5 Th The Cost Of In-Clinic Facial Mineral Treatments...

And You Won't Need A Doctor

As we have established, in-clinic "Anti-Aging" therapy is considered the GOLD STANDARD in the fight against human aging.

... And sure, these doctor administered therapies can be POWERFUL.

But, it is INCREDIBLY expensive which is why it is catered to the rich and elite.

However, you won't believe just HOW expensive it can get.

Firstly, these centers us "pharmaceutical grade" minerals, like discussed above.

... And the costs keep building month after month. 

Here is what I found...

  • The initial consult normally costs roughly $600 to see the doctor and get treatment
  • ​This cost becomes monthly as nothing is a permanent fix

The National Average Is Roughly $600 Per Month With All Costs Included

... And in some areas of the country this is much higher (Like Los Angeles or New York).

$600 is a high end car payment, EVERY SINGLE MONTH, on average. 

However, some celebrities have spent as much as $30,000 a month on "designer" skin therapies.

This is why "Anti-Aging" doctors are striking it rich all over the United States. 

They pull up to their expertly designed and constructed offices in their exotic cars.

Well, it makes sense now, right?

... And here is the crazy part.

At Home Ocean Mist™ Has As Much Or More Clinical Backing, At A Fraction Of The Price

Now, as you see, $120 per bottle is truly a value.

... And you can use it on your own terms.

Cool, right?

Even with all of that... 

On This Page Only...

I Am Making Ocean Mist™ Accessible & Affordable To All Aging Americans

I Am Offering A Deep Discount

I am slashing the price to only $29.

Yes! You read that right.

On this page (for you only) I am slashing the price of Ocean Mist™ to the lowest levels ever.

However, due to demand, this page resets every 60 minutes.

Why? Promotional inventory is limited and this discount is huge. 

Once discounted, Ocean Mist™ will become the most affordable, in-clinic facial toner available anywhere in the world.

Why? I want to make this powerful product affordable to the general population seeking younger looking skin.

I don’t want price to be a barrier.

I want everyone reading to experience what I have experienced and seen with my own eyes. 

The discount I am giving you is as good as cash.

I Just Activated An Instant Credit Of $91 Towards Ocean Mist™

Here Are The Numbers:

 In-Clinic Mineral Treatments:
 Comparable "Luxury Brand" Toner:
 Retail MSRP:
 Lowest Online Pricing:

On This Page You Pay: $29

You Are Paying Less Than $1.00 Per Day For The Most Potent Mineral Based Facial Toner In The World

The Power of "In-Clinic", Right From Home

Let that sink in.

$1.00 per day is 60% less than a daily cup of coffee  house coffee.

In fact, it is less than many things you spend money on daily.

… And none of those have the huge potential of changing your skin like Ocean Mist™. 

For Less Than $1.50 Per Day, Your Facial Skin Could Look Younger And Brighter Than It Has In Years...

You could finally feel good about the way you look.

... And your skin could feel younger and brighter than ever.

Let’s be real - we all want to be the youngest looking in our friend group, and this could be your secret.

I firmly believe your best looking years are STILL ahead of you.

Ive seem dramatic changes in those that use Ocean Mist™ daily.

... And there is a way to INCREASE your savings...

On This Page...

You Can Save over $500 On Ocean Mist™

… And I will still have it shipped FREE directly from Defy Labs™.  

Here is How…

Some of you reading this have followed my work for a long time.

Or maybe you were part of the initial Ocean Mist™ private testing. 

As you know, Ocean Mist™ is a daily use product. 

With That Known You Can Save EVEN More By Purchasing Additional Bottles (At No Risk) - Boosting Your Total Savings. 

As you know, you will pay $29 for one bottle (You Save $91).

However, if you want to stock up purchase 3 bottles you will SAVE $273!

… And if you REALLY want to stock up so you never run out we suggest purchasing 6 bottles, you will only pay $29 per bottle, saving you an ASTOUNDING $546 in savings.

Save $91

Buy 1 Bottle
Retail Price: $120
You Save: $91

Best value!
SAVE $546
FREE Shipping

Buy 6 Bottles
Retail Price: $720
You Save: $546

Save $273

Buy 3 Bottles
Retail Price: $360
You Save: $273
Why would you buy that many? Ocean Mist™ is a daily use product, you do not want to run out. 

Again, these are the same bottles you would buy from a high end retailer at $120 each.

Shipped directly from Defy Labs™ to your door for no charge. 

No strings attached, this is a one-time purchase (no subscriptions)

Plus, the redemption process is very simple, it takes less than 5 minutes. 

No hoops to jump through. 

At The Bottom Of This Page, You Will Find A Secure Order Form That Takes Only Minutes To Complete

Once finished, you will have locked in one of the first public bottles of Ocean Mist™ offered anywhere in the world.

I can say this with ease.

For $29, you will not find a more mineral based toner, it does not exist. 

In fact, nothing is close by a country mile.

…. And I still have a huge surprise. 

Upon Purchase Of Ocean Mist™, Defy Labs™ Will Send You A $50 Gift Card Towards Any Product, Store Wide...

Even our global best sellers, across all of our partner brands.
This is huge!

As you now know, Defy Labs™ is affiliates with some of the most powerful anti aging products in the world.

Many private formulas developed solely for aging Americans who are looking to regain an edge.

Powerful Innovations Such As...

  • Nutra IGF™ Natural HGH
  • PhytoTest™ Natural Testosterone
  • ​Sirtuin™ "Youth Gene Activation" 
  • ​Liponine™ Blood Sugar Management
  • Carditrol™ Blood Pressure Support
  • Wearable FAR Infrared (Joint Healing)
  • Clinically Proven Sexual Support
  • ​Patented Skin Creams For Fighting Age

Plus, Much More In Development...

You can use your gift card towards the products you know and love. 

Each bottle is manufactured using the highest quality protocols in the world.

… Just imagine what any one of these products could do for your daily life.

As soon as you complete your Ocean Mist™ purchase Defy Labs™ will activate a $50 gift card in your name.

Cool, right?

Plus, this entire transaction is risk Free

100% Money Back Guarantee

If Ocean Mist™ Doesn’t Bring Results I Will Buy It Back, No Questions Asked

... And You Keep The $50 Gift Card

Yes, this is 100% serious.

This is how much I believe in Ocean Mist™. 

When I first announced this policy my team thought I totally lost my mind. 

My financial controllers kind of froze up on me. 
Heck, I thought I was going to be exiled from announcing this to the public. 

However, I am doing it anyways.

I want to remove ALL risk from your shoulders so you have no reason not to try. 

Why? Because I know the power of Ocean Mist™

I use it personally and I have seen it time and time again changes lives.  

100% Money Back: If You Don't Like Ocean Mist™ For Any Reason Defy Labs™ Will Buy Your Bottle Back And You Keep The $50 Gift Card

To confirm, today I am backing your order of Ocean Mist™ with a 100% money-back guarantee (plus more).

Here is how it works...

After purchase, you will get a full 90 days to use Ocean Mist™ and feel the life-changing effects.

You must use it as directed, every day for full effect.  

When you do, the skin benefits will be life-changing, I can say that with TOTAL confidence. 

However, if you don't feel the same, no worries.

You are not risking a dime. 

Defy Labs™ will buy your inventory back, you are out nothing.

... And here is the crazy part. 

You will also keep your $50 gift card towards our other award-winning formulas only produced in our private lab.

Some of which are only being offered in the most elite anti-aging facilities. 

You can choose what you want. 

I am willing to risk this because I know that you are going to love Ocean Mist™. 

You won't want to return it, heck, you will wish you ordered more.

However, it was important for me to totally remove your risk. 
I believe in Ocean Mist™ with everything I have, I have personally seen what it has done for thousands. 

I don't want anything to come between you and optimized health. 

With that in mind, I want to answer the next logical question.

Now, here is the obvious question...

Why Am I Doing This? 

After You Try Ocean Mist™ You Will Be A Defy Labs™ Customer For Life

Consider This An Ethical Bribe

Let me summarize what you are getting…

You are saving up to $546, backed by a risk free guarantee and receiving an instant $50 gift card at checkout.

There is no argument, that is a ton of value.

But why?

Let me explain…

I am confident when I say this. 

Ocean Mist™ is not the end all, be all.

It is just the beginning for you and Defy Labs™.

As in the name, Defy Labs™ specializes in fighting father time with the most innovative skin products in the world.

Products that were ONLY exclusively sold for full price until very recently.

…. And that is why I am willing to give you this type of huge discount in the form of an instant store credit.

This is JUST the beginning.

Once Ocean Mist™ helps you look and feel younger you will want to push the results further.

You will want to try all that Defy Labs™ has to offer.

So, In Essence, This Store Credit Is An Ethical Bribe. I Am Giving You Money To Try Ocean Mist™ Because I Know You Won’t Stop There.

You will feel it in your bones.

You will know that you are days away from looking and feeling younger than ever. 

... And you will want to try more of what we roll out.

Plus, your friends and family will notice how "young" you are looking.

... And they will want to know the secret, driving them to pay full price for Ocean Mist™

This is a true WIN, WIN.

However, I need to address one last thing before you go.

What Happens If You Do Nothing?

And Continue To Age Pre Maturely

Now, you know everything.

Your skin is craving highly absorble magnesium, it is MANDATORY if you want the youngest looking skin possible.

Sadly, there is no work around.

This is how God created our skin, you are likely lacking a vital nutrient.

I even showed you how "store bought" forms won't make a dent in your appearance.

So, now the ball is in your court.

With that said, I want you to think about life if you do nothing.

Point blank, nothing will change.

Your aging will only get worse and worse.

Redness, wrinkles and dryness, making you look and feel older and older.

Your confidence will keep declining.

Personally, I feel like you deserve better than that.

This solution is based on powerful science and it begins working nearly immediately.

You can literally FEEL IT deep cleaning your skin, revealing a much younger looking you.

Plus, I have removed all risk.

Heck, you will actually come out AHEAD if it doesn't work, getting all of your money back and keeping the $50 gift card.

You are SO CLOSE to a younger looking you.

However, don't let hesitation cost you a ton in the end.

Hurry, Your Discount Is Expiring

Remember, due to demand, promotional inventory resets every 60 minutes.
… And much of that time is gone.

Look at the timer above, time is ticking away. 
... And inventory is not guaranteed. 

Right Now, There Are Thousands On This Same Page Clamoring To Try Ocean Mist™ For A Huge Discount

In fact, look the bottom left of your screen.

Those are other aging Americans securing their bottle of Ocean Mist™

... They could be reserving one of the last ones we have. 

Remember, your window is closing - in a few hours this page will go dark.
When the clock hits "0" your exclusive access to Ocean Mist™ could be gone. 
This page will not refresh.
Don't let that happen.

The secure order form is just below... 

Your Discounted Bottle Is Held For:


Discounted Bottles: 90% Claimed

MSRP: $120 

this page only: $29 

  • ​Potent Skin Soothing Toner
  • ​​100% American Made
  • ​FREE Shipping Worldwide
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Easily Absorbable Toner, Easy to Use Daily

Start Your Journey to YOUNGER Skin

Choose Product Variation: Price
$29 (Save $91)
$87 ($29 Each) Save $273
$174 ($29 Each) Save $546
Full Name*
Email Address*
Phone Number*

** Please Be Advised When Adding Your Shipping Information When Placing An Order. If Any Part Of Your Shipping Information Is Entered Incorrectly Your Order Will Be Cancelled And Refunded

*By Completing the Form Above and Clicking The "Complete Purchase" Button You Are Acknowledge the Amount Stated

This Order is Covered By Our 90 Day "Risk Free" Money Back Guarantee

Since 2011 we have offered the strongest 100% Money-Back Guarantee in the health industry. It is simple, if you do not like the product for any reason you can return it within 90 days for a 100% Full Refund. We give you a Full 90 days so you can get a chance to experience FULL USE of the product before you have to make a decision. 
Complete your order and rest easy knowing your purchase is secure!
All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

Individual results may vary depending on your diet, health and physical condition. Results shown are not typical and you may not get the same benefits. However, by taking the supplement and living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and moderate exercise, you give yourself the best chance at staying healthy and fighting off premature aging and other illnesses.

Research indicates that this product/ingredient may provide a health benefit. When the body is provided with healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it is better equipped to keep you healthy. Individual results will vary and you should always consult with your doctor or health professional when taking any supplement or starting any health program.

Endorser Disclaimer: Clint Winters is a scientist and nutraceutical inventor, not a medical doctor. Nothing he says should be construed as medical advice. Any personal health questions should be directed to your personal physician. Mr. Winters is not compensated on the sale of products but compensated for use of his various nutraceutical ingredient manufacturing patents.

By entering your phone number you agree that we may send you text notifications and text marketing offers. If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving text marketing messages and notifications reply with STOP to any mobile message sent from us. You understand and agree that alternative methods of opting out, such as using alternative words or requests will not be accounted as a reasonable means of opting out. Message and data rates may apply.

Defy Labs, LLC